Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Core Nexus 7m as a Wave Kite.

Created by AndreC > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2018
278 posts
21 Apr 2019 4:42PM
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haha, don't believe it Sand flying at 15 knots max, no way I still say, averages are what they are but gusts matter quite a bit.

Nevertheless, I do appreciate the reviews given here, a lot! So respect to them, not enough info ever to my mind and especially nice to read the comparisons between different kites.

NSW, 1633 posts
21 Apr 2019 7:37PM
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Whit caps start forming at 10 to 12 knots. Sand starts flying on the beach at about 17 knots. White caps fold over at about 25 knots.

WA, 542 posts
22 Apr 2019 7:48AM
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This Gear section is pretty useless per se guys. Reviews are always subjective and rarely just posted to share the stoke. I suggest there may be a slight chance they are shared for a reason. Beginners either fly the kite they learned on (as the trust what they flew first), or what their shop suggests them, or what mates are flying. Doesn't really matter as one can learn on anything, and nothing will feel like a perfect match at that stage either. Shops are great when managed properly and provide demo gear and sell gear too. Demo, don't be influenced by the recommendations and make your own judgement if you know how to kite. Buy from the shop or one of the shops you demoed from so such service continues to exist. Fly what you enjoy, at the time, and appreciate the fact that your preferences will change. And that everyone has different perceptions, preferences, abilities, etc. For some this happens on a monthly basis, for others every few years. Sometimes locations change or styles/disciplines and this may require a different kite. The whole discussion about which kite is best is pretty useless unless it is meant to entertain us during windless periods. They all fly, and none of them is perfect or will ever be. Just fly it, like it or hate it, get used to it and adjust, which will usually make us like the kite more over time anyway.
Say goodbye to to the idea that a specific kite will make you a better kiter. BS. Practise perhaps will.
And pimping crossover kites does not make any sense to me either. They exist so people who do a little bit of everything and don't want to spend the money for dedicated kites can just have one type of kite and do it all. Kind of common sense that this is a compromise and these kites won't be perfect in all conditions, at all times. Great they exist, and I have seen people doing freestyle on a wave kite. That's cause they can, not because a wave kite is so awesome at boosting and pop.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Core Nexus 7m as a Wave Kite." started by AndreC