Forums > Wing Foiling General

Wingfoil air 360 and backloops

Created by WindyBear > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2022
17 posts
4 Jul 2022 7:24PM
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Hi all,

New to this forum and Seabreeze but excited to share some of my progress and hoping to get some tips.
Been trying a few 360s on the wing foil and so far getting the board around no problem however my back hand is being overpowered as I transition into the last phase of the jump. Also having flat landings. Trying to figure out how to handle that whip as the wing gets pushed around. Does anyone have any good tips?

Also wondering if people have experience with doing a backloop on a wingfoil? I come from a windsurfing background and when I was out the other day I took a ramp for a rocket air but found myself floating back down as in a backloop. Didn't land it and honestly can't remember what happened to the wing, but if anyone has any experience of this kind of jump, would be great to hear! I'm talking about something different to the "backflip" which seems more of an end over end rotation.

Trying to post my video of the 360 attempt but can't apparently due to some spam control. !


Forums > Wing Foiling General

"Wingfoil air 360 and backloops" started by WindyBear